Are Stimulants Stealing Your Energy? | Chiropractor shanghai

Understanding the Impact of Stimulants on Your Body

Stimulants and extreme foods can significantly disrupt your body's chemistry, causing an initial surge of energy followed by a sharp crash. This phenomenon can be likened to the sound of a bomb dropping—first, a powerful whoosh, followed by a dramatic boom. It’s crucial to consider these effects when deciding whether to indulge in stimulants. This is why the second guideline of the Eating-for-Health approach recommends minimizing or reserving stimulants for rare occasions.

What Are Stimulants?

Stimulants encompass a variety of foods and beverages, including but not limited to:

  • Sugars: This includes refined carbohydrates such as high fructose corn syrup and white flour, along with other concentrated sweeteners.

  • Refined Salt

  • Caffeine and Chocolate

  • Alcohol and Tobacco

  • Certain Food Additives: Such as MSG and artificial sweeteners.

These substances act more like drugs than food, often categorized as anti-nutrients. They are highly addictive and can rob you of energy and mental clarity. Additionally, stimulants can alter your taste preferences, create unnatural cravings, and contribute to a range of chronic health issues. Common problems associated with stimulant consumption include:

  • Arthritis and inflammation

  • Reduced immune function

  • Fatigue and adrenal exhaustion

  • Insomnia

  • Anxiety and depression

  • PMS and menopausal symptoms

  • Cardiovascular diseases, including cancer and heart disease

  • High blood pressure and cholesterol

  • Sinusitis and allergies

  • Tooth decay

  • Kidney and liver issues

  • Hypoglycemia

  • Digestive disturbances

  • Candida overgrowth

  • Headaches

Given these potential health risks, the case for eliminating or significantly reducing stimulant intake is compelling.

Reclaim Your Natural Energy

Many individuals mistakenly believe that extreme foods provide them with energy. In reality, these stimulants contribute to increased fatigue over time. The more you rely on them, the more your energy levels can diminish.

For instance, when Carole joined an Eating-for-Health program, her goals were to gain more energy and lose 5-10 pounds. She relied on coffee every morning to "get going" and consumed 1-2 caffeinated sodas daily to "make it through the day." When I suggested that she eliminate these beverages, she was resistant.

“No way am I giving up coffee or cola,” she exclaimed. “They’re my only source of energy. I can’t function without them. And since when does cutting out coffee or soda help with losing weight?”


Understanding the true impact of stimulants on your body is essential for achieving sustainable energy and overall health. By reconsidering your relationship with these substances and prioritizing a diet rich in whole foods, you can restore your natural energy levels and improve your well-being.


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